The topic of personal finance affects us all, but we don't learn much about it in school or every day. That's why I was interested by "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki because i heard many readers say like its a door to the financial freedom .I was like i must give it a try and was worth it . There's no doubt that this book can help readers achieve financial freedom and build wealth by giving them insights into money management if you give your time and  to it.

 My first reaction after reading it was like that's why it's been so popular and influential in the personal finance world as it changes your whole perspective and mindset about money . So Throughout this post, I'll talk about my thoughts on "Rich Dad Poor Dad," what I liked, what I didn't like it and how it's impacted my own thinking about money. So lets Begin:-

A Short Intro "Rich Dad Poor Dad"

Robert Kiyosaki wrote "Rich Dad Poor Dad" about money management and emphasizes the importance of financial education . As a kid, Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad" taught him about investing, financial literacy, and passive income streams, and his "Poor Dad" emphasized traditional education.Kiyosaki shows readers how to control their finances and work towards financial freedom with his own experiences and contrasting points of view. With smart investments and a strong financial foundation, he encourages readers to build wealth . As it's about building wealth through smart investments and a strong financial foundation.

My Top 10 Important Points On "Rich Dad Poor Dad"

Financial education is key to building wealth: According to Kiyosaki, traditional education does not provide adequate financial education. To become financially successful, it is essential to learn about money management and investing.

Assets generate income, liabilities drain it: Kiyosaki emphasizes that assets generate income, while liabilities drain it. He encourages readers to acquire assets such as real estate, stocks, and businesses that generate passive income.

Don't work for money, make money work for you: Kiyosaki suggests that instead of working for money, readers should aim to make money work for them. This can be achieved by investing in assets and building passive income streams.

Take calculated risks: Kiyosaki believes that taking calculated risks is essential for building wealth. He encourages readers to invest in assets and take risks, but to also do their due diligence and assess potential risks before making a decision.

Mindset is everything: Kiyosaki argues that mindset is key to achieving financial success. He encourages readers to adopt a mindset focused on building wealth and to let go of limiting beliefs that hold them back.

Learn from failure: Kiyosaki suggests that failure is a natural part of the learning process. He encourages readers to learn from their mistakes and to not let failure discourage them.

Focus on cash flow: Kiyosaki stresses the importance of cash flow and encourages readers to focus on generating passive income streams that cover their expenses.

Learn to leverage other people's expertise: Kiyosaki suggests that readers should not be afraid to leverage other people's expertise to achieve their goals. He encourages readers to seek out mentors and to learn from those who have already achieved success.

Don't let fear hold you back: Kiyosaki argues that fear is often a major obstacle to achieving financial success. He encourages readers to take action despite their fears and to not let fear hold them back from pursuing their goals.

Be proactive about your finances: Kiyosaki emphasizes the importance of being proactive about your finances. He encourages readers to take control of their financial future and to not rely solely on others for financial security.

Some Negative Points Of "Rich Dad Poor Dad"

Risky advice: Some of Kiyosaki's advice, particularly around real estate investing and starting a business, may be risky for inexperienced readers. For example, investing in real estate can be highly profitable, but it also comes with significant risks, such as property market fluctuations, tenants who do not pay rent, and unexpected repair costs.

Controversial past: Finally, some critics have raised concerns about Kiyosaki's personal and professional history, which includes multiple bankruptcies, legal disputes, and allegations of misrepresenting his credentials and business dealings. While this does not necessarily invalidate the advice in his book, it could make readers wary of taking financial advice from someone with a controversial track record.

Oversimplification: Some critics argue that Kiyosaki oversimplifies complex financial concepts and presents a one-size-fits-all approach to wealth creation. This could lead readers to believe that achieving financial success is easy, without acknowledging the difficulties and hard work required to achieve it.

Lack of diversity: Critics have also pointed out that Kiyosaki's advice may not be applicable to all readers, as it focuses primarily on real estate and entrepreneurship, which may not be feasible or desirable for everyone. Kiyosaki also tends to focus on a specific demographic (e.g. middle-class Americans), which may not be relevant for readers from different backgrounds or countries.


The central thesis of the book is that financial education is crucial to achieving financial success, and that traditional schooling systems do not teach people about money and investing. Kiyosaki presents two contrasting figures in his life, his "rich dad" who is a successful entrepreneur and his "poor dad" who is a well-educated academic but struggles financially. Through their experiences, Kiyosaki teaches readers about the importance of investing, building assets, and creating passive income streams.

Overall, "Rich Dad Poor Dad" is a valuable book for those who are seeking to improve their financial literacy and learn about personal finance. The book has its critics, however, who argue that some of Kiyosaki's advice may be oversimplified or misleading, and that his emphasis on real estate and entrepreneurship may not be applicable to everyone.

In conclusion, while "Rich Dad Poor Dad" may not be a one-size-fits-all solution to financial success, it remains a popular and influential book that has helped many readers to think differently about money and investing. As with any financial advice, it's important to approach the book critically and consider how its lessons can be applied to one's own unique financial situation.